
Balatonalmádi YACHT Camping

8220 Balatonalmádi, Véghely Dezső utca 18.Show on the map »
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Campsites around Lake BalatonCampsites with poolBicycle-friendly campsitesFamily and child friendly campsitesCampsites with indoor accommodationDog-friendly campsitesCampsites near the waterfrontMountain rural campsites

Description of the camping

A family-friendly holiday home right on the shores of Lake Balaton, with animation and activities.
Our campsite has a beach, bar, water terrace and sports equipment.
For the little ones: children’s pool, bathroom, baby package.
Camping site – mobilhome – holiday house – furnished family tent.
Cyclists! In Almadi, the zero-kilometre marker: is an excellent place to start from.

Yacht Camping, 18, Véghely Dezső utca, Óváritelep, Almádi, Balatonalmádi, Balatonalmádi járás, Veszprém vármegye, Közép-Dunántúl, Dunántúl, 8220, Magyarország


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    Featured services

    Baby-friendly, Family-friendly, Indoor accommodation, Pool, Private beach, Wi-Fi (free)

    Types of accommodation

    Tent for rent, Mobile home, Own caravan, Own tent, Holiday home

    Catering and cooking facilities

    A 'la carte, Cooking area for own use, Sink with hot water, Microwave oven, Breakfast, Fireplace

    Water block

    Bathroom for rent, Children’s bathroom, Washbasin and shower with hot water, Washing machine, Washing tray, Water block to disabled people, Toilet

    Payment facilities

    Money transfer, Debit card (Visa, Master Card), K&H SZÉP Card, Cash: Forint, MKB SZÉP Card, OTP SZÉP Card

    SZÉP Card payment pockets

    Leisure pocket (sub-account), Accommodation pocket (sub-account), Catering pocket (sub-account)

    Spoken languages

    English, Hungarian, German

    Buildings and premises within the campsite

    Buffet, Drink bar, Grocery store, Restaurant, Ice-cream parlour, Playground, Coffee bar, Water block

    Baby-friendly services

    Microwave oven, Changing room

    Extra services

    Animation, Safe deposit, Pets allowed, Campsite days, Mobile phone charging, Drying machine, Safe rental, Hiking recommendations, Wi-Fi (free)

    Extra services to a travel trailer

    Electrical connections, Chemical toilet, Caravan emptying, Water and sewer connection

    Available in a covered accommodation

    Refrigerator, Cable TV, Kitchen, Air-conditioner, Toilet, Wi-Fi, Shower

    Child-friendly services

    Animation, Children’s bathroom, Children’s pool, Playground, Table tennis

    The location of the campsite

    Near Lake Balaton, Next to a bike-way, Beach close by, Waterside

    Rental options

    Bicycle rental, Pedal boat rental

    Types of pools and water experiences on the campsite

    Children’s pool, Private beach, Pedal boating

    Sports facilities near the campsite and within the campsite

    Boating, Fitness room, Football, Angling, Cycling, Horse-riding, Nordic Walking, Surf, Tennis, Hiking, Swimming, Sailing

    Sports facilities within the campsite

    Football, Gokart, Angling, Basketball, Table tennis, Surf, Badminton, Swimming, Sailing
    All services


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    8220 Balatonalmádi, Véghely Dezső utca 18.Route planning to the following location »

    Yacht Camping, 18, Véghely Dezső utca, Óváritelep, Almádi, Balatonalmádi, Balatonalmádi járás, Veszprém vármegye, Közép-Dunántúl, Dunántúl, 8220, Magyarország


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