
Lipóti Termál Camping****

9233 Lipót, Fő utca 84.Show on the map »
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Medicinal and thermal campsitesCampsites with poolBicycle-friendly campsitesFamily and child friendly campsitesCampsites with indoor accommodationDog-friendly campsites

Description of the camping

Spend unforgettable days in a wonderful natural environment, in a huge green area,in our air-conditioned houses or in the spacious, shady plots in the heart of Szigetköz, right next to the Thermalbath & Spa!
The 211 plots of the campsite are equipped with electricity connection and water supply (not all pitches) for tents, caravans and motorhomes. In addition, 42 fully equipped mobile homes, 6 wooden houses, 5 guest rooms and 14 sleeping cars await the guests.
Lipót Thermal Camping **** is located in Lipót, Győr-Moson-Sopron county, in the heart of Szigetköz, right next to the Lipót Thermalbath Spa . The campsite also has a good location, 15 km from Mosonmagyaróvár and 27 km from Győr near the Austrian and Slovak borders. The campsite can also be easily reached by local bus or bicycle.
All pools are available during your stay (2 thermal water pools, 2 children’s paddling pools with mini castle and slide, 1 adventure pool with family slide and massage elements, 1 swimming pool with trampoline, 1 beach pool with 6 huge slides, water park, pools with water castle, huge playground, sauna) . On weekends, we welcome visitors with an exciting program such as aqua zumba or dance performances on stage (in the high season). Free WIFI is available in the thermal spa area and in the campsite. Please check the opening hours of the pools on the website: www.lipotfurdo.hu






    Featured services

    Family-friendly, Indoor accommodation, Massage, Pool, Sauna, Wi-Fi (free)

    Types of accommodation

    Cabins, Mobile home, Room

    Catering and cooking facilities

    Cooking area for own use, Sink with hot water, Microwave oven, Breakfast, Fireplace

    Water block

    Washbasin and shower with hot water, Washing machine, Water block to disabled people, Toilet

    Payment facilities

    Debit card (Visa, Master Card), K&H SZÉP Card, Cash: Euro, Cash: Forint, MKB SZÉP Card, OTP SZÉP Card

    SZÉP Card payment pockets

    Leisure pocket (sub-account), Accommodation pocket (sub-account), Catering pocket (sub-account)

    Spoken languages

    English, Hungarian, German

    Buildings and premises within the campsite

    Buffet, Drink bar, Grocery store, Restaurant, Ice-cream parlour, Playground, Coffee bar, Water block

    Baby-friendly services

    Microwave oven

    Extra services

    Accessibility, Safe deposit, Pets allowed, Wi-Fi (free)

    Extra services to a travel trailer

    Electrical connections, Chemical toilet, Water and sewer connection

    Available in a covered accommodation

    Refrigerator, Kitchen, Air-conditioner, Toilet, Wi-Fi, Shower

    Child-friendly services


    The location of the campsite

    Spa and thermal baths nearby

    Rental options

    Sports goods rental

    Types of pools and water experiences on the campsite

    Experience pool, Covered pool, Children’s pool, Spa and thermal pool, Outdoor pool, Water slide, Water world playground

    Sports facilities near the campsite and within the campsite

    Boating, Angling, Cycling, Horse-riding, Hiking

    Sports facilities within the campsite

    Table tennis, Volleyball, Badminton

    Wellness&Spa& beauty services

    Finnish sauna, Massage, Sauna
    All services


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    9233 Lipót, Fő utca 84.Route planning to the following location »

    Lipót, Mosonmagyaróvári járás, Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye, Nyugat-Dunántúl, Dunántúl, 9233, Magyarország


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